Hi everyone:
city I'd like to visit is La Habanna, Cuba because I already had the amazing
chance to travel to Caribbean cities like Cancún, Punta Cana and Ciudad de
Panamá and I really loved the Caribbean vibe and the beaches are
incredible but I would like to stay in Varadero because it has more beaches
because is a peninsula. I have seen photos about La Habanna and the city is
very colorful and the architecture is beautiful, is kind of colonial. I don’t
know anything else about the city. I would like to go with my friends and stay in
an all-inclusive hotel so we won´t be worry about where we are going to eat
actually we would eat as much as we can haha. Although I would like to drink
some mojitos because Cuba is the country where the mojitos comes from so I
think they will be exquisite and go party and dance Caribbean music, Oh I
really like tropical music! Then I would like to do a tour around La Habanna
downtown and see the beautiful places and the historical center. Finally, I
would like to go to every single beach to swim as much as we could, take a lot
of pictures. Here some pics of the La Habanna.

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